I said I was going to shoot nothing but Ilford HP5 for at least 20 rolls (10 each of 35mm and 120) and I'm a bit over ⅓ of the way through - 5 rolls of 35mm shot, developed and scanned, and two more in cameras.
And I'm enjoying the results, although I find I have to more the black point around a bit to create an image that I'm really satisfied with, like these:

(it must have been a been a good day for harsh shaddows)
But with 7 of the 10 rolls of 35mm either shot & developed or in cameras, I decided it was time to make some medium format images.
I had my Pentax 67 expertly repaired and CLA'ed by Viva La Camera a few months ago, and with everything else that's been happening in my life, I've only put a roll or two through the camera since I got it back, so I dragged it off the shelf and just as I was about to tear open the silver paper wrapper on a roll of HP5 I realised a) it was a glorious summer day (we haven't had many this year) and b) I was going for a drive out of Melbourne to some stunning countryside - it seemed almost mean to load B&W in the camera.
I'm sure I've seen as many stunning landscapes in B&W as everyone else but there was something just colourful about the light, so HP5 be buggered, I loaded a roll of Kodak Gold 200 and went exploring ....
Now it's back to HP5 to continue the expriment.